Access Bars® Class
9:30 AM09:30

Access Bars® Class

Access Bars® is a one-day class that enables you to be a practitioner. This technique is very dynamic and creates change in arears of your life you feel stuck and limited. Learning Access Bars® is a wonderful opportunity to start your own business or expand and add value to your existing practice. It is also a great way to support family and friends and enables you to access Gifting and Receiving sessions.

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Access Bars® Class
9:30 AM09:30

Access Bars® Class

This dynamic modality and can transform the way you view and function in your world. You can learn this class for your own self-discovery / healing process, it will open a door for you to meet likeminded people where you will be able to swap sessions ( gifting and reciving). One of the many added bonuses is it will also be a great gift to support your family and friends who are looking for some relaxation, support for anxiety, low mood or depression. Learning Access Bars® is a wonderful opportunity to start your own business or expand and add value to your existing practice.

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Reiki Class Level 1
9:30 AM09:30

Reiki Class Level 1

Learning Reiki 1 is a journey of self-love and spiritual awakening, everyone can learn it, all you need is an open mind and heart. No previous experience is necessary and this is an excellent introduction to energy healing.

 After this 1-day class you will be able and qualified to practice Reiki on yourself, family and friends (kids love it). It will the start of a spiritual awakening or deepen your connection to the Universal Energy of all that

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Access Bars Class
9:30 AM09:30

Access Bars Class

Access Bars® is a one-day class that enables you to be a practitioner. This technique is very dynamic and creates change in arears of your life you feel stuck and limited. Learning Access Bars® is a wonderful opportunity to start your own business or expand and add value to your existing practice. It is also a great way to support family and friends and enables you to access Gifting and Receiving sessions.

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Access Bars® Class
9:30 AM09:30

Access Bars® Class

Acess Bars® is a one-day class that enables you to be a practitioner. This technique is very dynamic and creates change in areass of your life you feel stuck and limited. Learning Access Bars® is a wonderful opportunity to start your own business or expand and add value to your existing practice. It is also a great way to support family and friends and enables you to access Gifting and Receiving sessions.

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Nourishing & Replenishing Mini Retreat.
1:00 PM13:00

Nourishing & Replenishing Mini Retreat.

Nourishing & Replenishing Mini Retreat.

Are you looking for some space to Breath, Fill Your Cup, Rest Your Mind and Body and Be Blissed Out? I am collaborating with a Reflexologist therapist friend Tina Nission aka The Interior Me.

We are both passionate about Wellness and know the impact of stress on our daily life’s. We have some great modalites to give you the nourishment and replenishing you are looking for.

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Grief & Loss Workshop.
1:00 PM13:00

Grief & Loss Workshop.

Did you know Reiki & Reflexology, Sound, Cacao Can Soften & Release Grief?

Going through the griefing process is challening and can be lonely journey. Tina Nisson Reflexologist and I would like to invite you to this 3 hour workshop to begin the process of softening  and releasing the multitude of different layers of grief.

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Create & Manifest  with your Inner Child for 2024
2:00 PM14:00

Create & Manifest with your Inner Child for 2024

Come, play, co-create and set intentions with your inner child for 2024.

"What if the purpose of life was to be fun?" - Gary Douglas founder of Access Consciousness.

When we create from a carefree, light, expansive place without the mind controlling how and when it will show up, the universe is more than willing to gift us our deepest dreams and desires.

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 Start your 2023 with a Vision Board Workshop -  SW4 7SS.
1:30 PM13:30

Start your 2023 with a Vision Board Workshop - SW4 7SS.

Vision Board Workshop 7th January 2023.

What would you like to create, manifest, and actualize in 2023?

In this fun workshop will I will guide you through a creative group process using images and words to listen to your hearts wisdom. You will create a beautiful and powerful personal vision board which will give your intentions and goals a VISION.

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Relaxation Session Infused With Reiki and Sound Healing.
8:15 PM20:15

Relaxation Session Infused With Reiki and Sound Healing.

A weekly online relaxation session infused with Reiki and using sound healing to enable you to de-stress, unwind and connect with yourself.

This session is ideal to support emotions like anxiety, sadness, fear, frustration to be released and restore and recharge your energy.

Relaxation of the body and mind strengths the immunity, mental and emotional health.

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Relaxation Session Infused With Reiki and Sound Healing.
8:15 PM20:15

Relaxation Session Infused With Reiki and Sound Healing.

A weekly online relaxation session infused with Reiki and using sound healing to enable you to de-stress, unwind and connect with yourself.

This session is ideal to support emotions like anxiety, sadness, fear, frustration to be released and restore and recharge your energy.

Relaxation of the body and mind strengths the immunity, mental and emotional health.

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Ultimate Wellbeing 6 week course (evening)
to Aug 24

Ultimate Wellbeing 6 week course (evening)

Would you like to empower and take charge of your well-being?

Would you like to learn how to slow down and manage challenging emotions like fear, sadness anxiety using the breath and visualisation?

Would you like to be more emotionally centred and relaxed?

This 6-week online course, I will be teaching you a variety of meditation awareness-based practices, and techniques. These practices have come from a variety of traditions, Tibetan, Zen, and Buddhism which are all are adapted for easy learning!

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Ultimate Wellbeing 6 week course
to Jul 13

Ultimate Wellbeing 6 week course

Would you like to empower and take charge of your well-being?

Would you like to learn how to slow down and manage challenging emotions like fear, sadness anxiety) using the breath and visualisation?

Would you like to be more emotionally centred and relaxed?

This 6 week online course, I will be teaching you a variety of meditation awareness-based practices, and techniques. These practices have come from a variety of traditions, Tibetan, Zen, and Buddhism which are all are adapted for easy learning!

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Healthy Gut, Healthy Mind.
7:00 PM19:00

Healthy Gut, Healthy Mind.


We all deserve to be happy, healthy, confident and well.

Do you often feel tired, lack energy, battle with your weight or have digestion issues?

Are you feeling emotionally and mentally tired / drained and stressed out with everyday life?

It’s a sign your body and mind are struggling and time to press the re-fresh button.

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 Mid- Week Relaxation @ The Furzedown Project 93 Moyser Road SW16 6SJ
7:00 PM19:00

Mid- Week Relaxation @ The Furzedown Project 93 Moyser Road SW16 6SJ

De- stress with seated Ear Acupuncture  

 Ear Acupuncture is simple and effective treatment that  can help with relaxation of the mind and body. Some of the benefits are: reduces anxiety and stress, encourage detox and positive relaxation. 

For more detailed  information about how Ear Acupuncture  can benefit your well-being, see Ear Acupuncture on the home page. 

No booking necessary, treatment will be carried out in a group setting, please arrive on time. 

 Cost £10.00 First treatment FREE

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Rejuvenation session @ The Living Room Thrale Road, Furzedown SW16 1NS
7:00 PM19:00

Rejuvenation session @ The Living Room Thrale Road, Furzedown SW16 1NS

Come and re- charge your energy levels with Ear Acupuncture & Reiki. 

A combination of  Ear Acupuncture with non- invasive treatment, will enhance your overall well-being with a holistic approach, which will leave you grounded and re- centred.  

For more detailed  information about how Ear Acupuncture and Reiki healing can benefit your well-being, see Ear Acupuncture and Reiki Healing on the home page. 

No booking necessary, treatment will be carried out in a group setting, please arrive on time. 

Cost £10.00

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